We talk Fantasy Football, have hot teaks and talk smack about our league

Wednesday Jun 25, 2014
Wednesday Jun 25, 2014
Wednesday Jun 25, 2014
You asked for your favorite sections, you got em! "out this week" is BACK! we also go through the new (hopefully) emerging trend of video game teams in schools, what's up with Crytek, and what ever happend to cheat codes?

Wednesday Jun 18, 2014
The E3 amigos
Wednesday Jun 18, 2014
Wednesday Jun 18, 2014
After taking a week to digest the epic feast for gamers that was E3, each member of the A-Squad dissects one of the major (SONY, Nintendo, and Microsoft) press confrences. Enjoy.

Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
prE 3
Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
This week, we have a bomb scare,discuss the apparent death of the kinect, and visit all the games announced for E 3 game convention so you know whats coming (like Nick Cage in those two crappy movies) enjoy.

Wednesday May 28, 2014
Answer the Question
Wednesday May 28, 2014
Wednesday May 28, 2014
Pat from Pats metal review/shred shack stops by the studio this week. Rise goes into the top 5 games to play with you significant other, smash brothers seems to be taking some gambles, and Rise scolds the general public.

Sunday May 18, 2014
No ship is safe
Sunday May 18, 2014
Sunday May 18, 2014
Sony lost more money last year than Mark's zuccurberg with a hole in his pocket(FYI it's a ton of money). Microsoft is slashing prices of the Xbox one to stay competitive. Nintendo is looking to become a third-party developer for other consoles. Is the end of the world (of warcraft) as we know it? Let's find out.Also make sure to answer our talking point on Facebook so we can read your response on the show.

Sunday May 11, 2014
Trivial pursuits
Sunday May 11, 2014
Sunday May 11, 2014
After being away for one week, the show is literally OVERRUN with content. TWO QUIZES! News on the new video game island being built in China, new shows on Xbox tv, and MLG at the X-Games. Two QUIZES! We also break down the new Call of Duty Future Warfare trailer. All that plus TWO QUIZES! Hope you like Family Fuede. (two quises).

Monday Apr 28, 2014
S.W.A.T.'s the big deal?
Monday Apr 28, 2014
Monday Apr 28, 2014
This week a squad takes a trip to the movies, and discusses the abundance of upcoming video game based movies. Victor Belmont's back. We find out yet another reason not to give your address out online, and there's a rumble brewing in the heart of Viking country. All that and a squad confessional. Check it out

Monday Apr 21, 2014
Wii hate RiseLikeFenix
Monday Apr 21, 2014
Monday Apr 21, 2014
Why was XBOX One uninvited to the Spider-Man 2 party? What does it take to get booted from the Nintendo Miiverse? What kind of chaos would a cross console multiplayer game cause? Where the hell are two of the four hosts? all these questions answered plus industry insider VictoBelmont on this weeks episode!

Monday Apr 14, 2014
Super duper show
Monday Apr 14, 2014
Monday Apr 14, 2014
Have you been wondering which retailer gives you the most for your trade-in? Want info on the super smash brothers? pondering why the Superman games suck? Then sit down and tune in.

Sunday Apr 06, 2014
April showers and Nintendo power
Sunday Apr 06, 2014
Sunday Apr 06, 2014
Happy Spring! We sift through all the April fools stories (so you don't have to) debate the nature of the gaming community as a whole, and take a trip down memory lane with the history of game magazines.